"Laura was a 32-year-old totally exhausted single mom,
toiling away at 3 gig jobs and barely scraping by."
Customer to Coworker
She experienced serious housing and computer needs to assist her on her job search. Christian HELP's Computer partner, Christian Tech Center, hooked Laura up with a free laptop and she started sending out her revised resumes at a fever pitch. Laura also utilized the Community Resource Guide (CRG) and got into a safer, more affordable housing situation.

Laura expressed to us she had such a great recent customer experience at the Tax Collector's office and would love to work there. Laura was coached to let them know this in a letter describing the professional help, courtesy and teamwork she enjoyed in her visit and to keep her in mind should they have a future job opening. Laura agreed and also enclosed her resume!
You already guessed it! Within a couple of weeks, Laura was called to come in for an interview... and won a full-time, Customer Service role in the Tax Collector's office! What a victory for her family and
career path!
- Phil, Career Coach
You already guessed it! Within a couple of weeks, Laura was called to come in for an interview... and won a full-time, Customer Service role in the Tax Collector's office! What a victory for her family and
career path!
- Phil, Career Coach